About Us

The members of

Amaranth Grand Chapter Inc., Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliated, State of Ohio

are dedicated women and men who sincerely reflect the spirit of fraternal love and the desire to work together for good


The objectives and purposes of the Order of the Eastern Star are:

  • the cultivation of charitable and fraternal practices that we may comfort, protect and aid each other in our journey through the labyrinth of human life;
  • for a more extended diffusion of the principles of morality and friendship by established and significant emblems;
  • for inciting the influence of females towards the purposes of the Masonic institution;
  • for increasing social enjoyment by the aid of the Masonic tie;
  • for ameliorating (make better) the condition of the destitute widow and the helpless orphan; and
  • for affording increased facilities in relieving distressed female travelers